Nut Suite. Mini reviews of albums old and new. Minimum words. No fuss. No spoilers [?]. Occasional smugs.

Monday, November 21, 2011

NAILBOMB / Point Blank (1994)

Nailbomb was a collaborative project between Max Cavalera of Sepultura and Alex Newport of Fudge Tunnel. They made only one studio album. Because Max is on vocals, his limited range makes it sound a lot like his day job. The biggest difference is an industrial edge that gives it an identity but also tends to make it repetitive, and with repeated listens it can get dull pretty fast. It's worth digging out every few months and getting halfway through before changing discs. And it's ideal for pissing your neighbour off, which is what I’m doing right now.

Songs of Note: Vai Toma No Cú; Blind and Lost

2½ keep it in the family out of 5

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