Nut Suite. Mini reviews of albums old and new. Minimum words. No fuss. No spoilers [?]. Occasional smugs.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

GREEN DAY / Greatest Hits: God's Favorite Band (2017)

This was originally a massive rant. But, that was dumb of me. Green Day make albums. Their (purely musical) Greatest Hits releases are an innately incongruous concept to the type of fan that I am. If you want to hear singles from (almost) across their entire career, by all means. Enjoy them in the way that works for you. I'm not pulling elitist hipster rank by relating the following, I'm simply giving thanks:

I've grown up with Green Day. I cannot imagine my life without them. It doesn't matter that Billie Hey-Ho's so much that I can no longer listen to (or experience) them live, anymore. It doesn't matter that I'll never be able to play like Mike. It does, however, matter that my friends and I are glorious perverts, cut from the same cloth as Mr. Tré Fucking Cool, himself. Whereas most of them prefer one era of their career to the other, I un-conflictingly adore them both. They're the only way I can comfortably engage with politics, because they always focus on the mental and emotional impact they have on those of us simply trying to make it day to day in this entirely fucked world.

I've edited the artwork to make a fully representative piece of visual iconography. And, I'm not even going to be giving a score. If I've learned anything from Green Day, it's that I can and should do whatever I want, while I can.

I suppose this is what unconditional love feels like.
This might be the first time god and I have something in common.

1 comment:

Dr Faustus said...


No 'Hey ho' here, but a comprehensive 'Hell, Yeah!' is in order.