I’m going to make a list of the most nerdy comparisons to this that I can muster. It’s like:
- Human Centipede 3: Alternate Universe Heiter AND Martin
- Mega Man Powered Up: Mega Man AND Proto Man AND Roll
- If Resident Evil 6 was delivered as intended: Chris AND Leon co-op!!!
It’s Chad and Milo together at the same concert, and Milo sings back-up for Chad!!! Don’t worry, though, this is two discs and the second is an entire Descendents set. Wikipedia tells me the latter was a different concert. Whatever, man~ Milo even tries his hand at one of Chad’s songs, to great effect. I can’t hype this enough: Chad sings She’s My Ex!!!!!!!!!!!!
Songs of Note: She's My Ex; Original Me
5 Floors Strong Enough to Bear the Weight of Greatness out of 5
Songs of Note: She's My Ex; Original Me
5 Floors Strong Enough to Bear the Weight of Greatness out of 5