Nut Suite. Mini reviews of albums old and new. Minimum words. No fuss. No spoilers [?]. Occasional smugs.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

SCOTT WALKER / Bish Bosch [2012]

Starting out as a surf pop teen idol in the '50's, it's quite apparent Scott Walker has come a LONG way since then based on 2012's Bish Bosch.
It's an extremely difficult listen, if not downright grating but after some time you'll find it's effects have haunted you and a need to return is inevitable.  Only then, will you begin peeling back the layers and take a finer look at the intricate details and see it for what it is.  Nearing 70 years in age, it's quite clear Walker is a batty old man with some pent up anger and despair to throw at you as he laughs like a maniac.  Utilizing everything but the kitchen sink to create the world that he wants us to visit, Walker disturbs, humours and challenges the listener while his baritone voice mocks you.

4 Christmas funerals out of 5

Songs Of Note: Just watch the trailer and take it from there.

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